pursuant to Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons in terms of processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Regulation’ or ‘EU REGULATION’)
Pursuant to and for the purposes of Article 13 of EU Regulation 679/2016, we provide you with the following information regarding the processing of your personal data.
1. Personal data processing purposes and legal basis for processing
The data controller and the joint controllers process the personal data (e.g. first name, last name, company name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, bank and payment details) provided by you upon conclusion of the contract for the services provided or to be provided, hereinafter referred to as ‘personal data’ or also ‘data’, for the following purposes:
a) To fulfil the agreed contractual real estate services or to fulfil the pre-contractual tasks related to these services or in relation to and subsequent to these and/or to fulfil the specific requirements communicated. In these cases, the legal basis for the processing is the fulfilment of contractual or pre-contractual obligations by the data controller;
b) To fulfil obligations arising from laws, provisions or EU regulations, as well as to fulfil measures issued by authorised authorities or supervisory and control bodies to which the data controller is subject (e.g. tax audits, etc.). In these cases, the legal basis for the processing is the fulfilment of a legal obligation in accordance with Art. 6.1, letter c) of the GDPR;
c) With your explicit consent or in accordance with Art. 130, paragraph 4, of the Italian legislative decree no. 196/03, if applicable, for commercial or marketing purposes, such as, for example, to receive sales and marketing information in the real estate sector, the informative newsletter about the business activities of the data controller and co-controllers or company brochures, to record the quality of service or for statistical surveys. In these cases, the legal basis for the processing is the explicit consent pursuant to Art. 6.1, letter a) of the EU REGULATION or Art. 130, paragraph 4 of the Legislative Decree 196/03, if applicable. You can oppose the processing in any case by unsubscribing from the mailing list or the service.
2. Method of data transmission and the consequences of a failure to provide data
The provision of data for the purposes referred to in points a) and b) is necessary for the performance of contract or pre-contractual relations and for the fulfilment of legal obligations. Refusal to provide personal data or to consent to their processing makes it impossible for the data controller to provide the requested services and to fulfil the purposes set out in point 1, letters a) and b) of this statement.
The provision of data for the purposes referred to in point 1, letter c) of this privacy statement, on the other hand, is voluntary and the data subject can therefore give or deny his or her consent. Even after giving consent, the data subject can revoke it at any time.
3. Methods of data processing
Your personal data will be processed in accordance with the principles of lawfulness, accuracy and transparency, safeguarding your privacy and that of your family members, in accordance with the principles set out in Article 5 of the EU Regulation. The processing may be carried out manually, by means of paper documents or electronic or other automated systems.
The data is stored and processed at the registered office of the data controller and the co-controllers of the data processing in special company archives/servers.
Your personal data will be processed using appropriate technical and organisational security measures in accordance with Art. 32 of the EU REGULATION to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk and to minimise the risk of destruction or loss, unauthorised access or processing that is not consistent with the purposes for which it was collected.
Your personal data will not be subject to automated decision-making or profiling.
4. Data transfer and transmission in third countries
Your personal data will not be forwarded.
Anyway, in order to fulfil the purposes stated under point 1) of this data protection declaration, it may be necessary for the data controller to forward your personal data to trusted external persons, in particular:
a) To the companies belonging to the group and to the joint controllers;
b) To credit institutions for banking services and payments, to companies that manage computerised postal services, to archiving and document storage companies, to other entities to which ancillary services have been outsourced;
c) To the data controller's legal and tax advisors;
d) To insurance or reinsurance companies or directly to third parties with direct liability in the event of claim of damages
The above-mentioned subjects process the data, as the case may be, as independent data controllers or ‘data processors’ duly appointed through contractual agreements pursuant to the provisions of Article 28 of the EU Regulation, or as joint controllers of the data processing pursuant to Article 26 of the EU Regulation, as specified below.
In general, your personal data will not be transferred to a third country outside the EU or to international organisations. However, should this be necessary, the transfer will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the EU Regulation.
5. Storage period for personal data
Your personal data will be stored for the entire duration of the contractual relationship and even after its termination for the time necessary to fulfil all relevant legal obligations (e.g. of a fiscal nature) and/or administrative obligations in connection with or arising from the relationship (10 years). Your consent to processing for marketing purposes will be stored for the duration of the legal obligations and in any case until you revoke it.
6. Identity and contact details of the data controller, the privacy manager and the data protection officer
The data controller is the Real Estate Company of the Podini Group plc, with which you have had pre-contractual and contractual relations and with which you are in contact, together with the company:
- P.RE.ST. ltd
- and the real estate companies of the Podini Group plc, whose data is listed at the following link, as joint controllers of the data processing in accordance with Article 26 of the EU Regulation.
You can contact the Privacy Manager to request an extract from the joint controllership agreement and to exercise the rights listed in the EU Regulation, which are outlined below. Contact details: P.RE.ST. srl Via Galilei 10, 39100 Bolzano (BZ), email, telephone number for the secretariat/DPD 0471 533690, certified email:
No Data Protection Officer (‘Data Protection Officer’) has been appointed.
7. Rights of the data subjects
Provided you are entitled to do so, you have the following rights, at any time, in accordance with Articles 15 to 22 of EU Regulation 679/2016:
a) To request confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning you is available;
b) To request information on the purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data, the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data has been or will be transmitted and, if possible, the storage period;
c) To have the data corrected and deleted;
d) To have the processing restricted;
e) To data portability (if applicable), i.e. receive it from a data controller in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and transmit it to another data controller without any hindrance;
f) To object to the processing at any time, including where it is carried out for the purposes of direct marketing;
g) To object to automated decision-making concerning natural persons, including profiling.
h) To request access to personal data and the correction or deletion of the same or the restriction of the processing of the data concerning you or to oppose the processing of the data, as well as the right to data portability;
i) To withdraw the consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal;
j) To lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority, based in Rome, Piazza Venezia no. 11, official website of the Authority
You can exercise your rights by contacting the data controller, the privacy manager or the data protection officer, if appointed, using the contact details provided in the previous point.
The data controller and the joint controllers of the data processing reserve the right to modify, update, add or remove parts of this privacy policy due to subsequent changes in this area. The data subject is obliged to check the company's website for any changes regularly.